Custom Drone Courses

£750.00 incl VAT

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Edinburgh Drone Company will advance your drone knowledge with our Custom Drone Courses.


Custom Drone Courses are just that… custom! We will build the perfect course for you and agree a price per pilot. We are not the cheapest company is the UK so if you want cheap, loads of online providers. We offer in person, quality training you simply cannot get elsewhere.


We will have a discussion prior to training to plan the time so you get the most from any training session. Each session is tailored to the needs of any pilot or organisation. It will be you and the instructor or instructors and the pace will be at your level.

1 to 1 lesson with Jack or Ross from EDC. Local lesson at our office (EH33 1ET)/ local beach (Longniddry). We can happily travel to you but expenses will be added.

We also have locations available in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Perth and near Leuchars.