Emergency Drone Response
Emergency Drone Response
Emergency Response
A dedicated 24 hour emergency drone response unit and HQ coming soon.
Edinburgh Drone Company will be offering an emergency response vehicle for the emergency services to have access to.
We understand that the cost of implementing drones within in large organisations can be complex and costly. Why bother with drones that break / are down all the time or worse yet the struggle of keeping all staff fully trained due to constant change in legislation. Get in contact with Edinburgh Drone Company who are always ready to go.
We will alert you when this service is live but start up costs are high so we need to understand demand first. If you are in the emergency services, please get in contact to discuss trying to get this into your local station.
The long term plan is to establish a ‘quick response base’ around Pitlochary where we will service the whole of Scotland via fixed wing craft.
Emergency process:
- Call comes in
- Instant launch of fixed wing drone to start assessing area and incident using various sensors including thermal, LiDar and imaging cameras.
- Ground vehicle also launched including further specialised kit including Quadcopters and heavier equipment.
- We have various options to offer the footage and data instantly to incident repsonse commander ( our displays and sent on)
- Help bring conditions to where we are no longer required and return kit to base including fixed wing ( max duration in air currently approximately 8-12 hours)